- 01795 597538
- info@favershamcommunitychurch.co.uk
16 April 2023
Series: Kingdom Come
Speaker: Matt Spocchia
FavershamCommunityChurch · Joy: Week 1 (Matt Spocchia) 16th April 2023
14 June 2020
Series: Hope for Troubled Hearts
Speaker: Matt Spocchia
We’re currently in a series based in John chapters 14-17 that we’ve called ‘Hope for Troubled Hearts’
As part of our Relational Mission Sunday we’re delighted that our friend Matt Spocchia (Sheppey Gospel Plant) is able to continue our series by speaking on John 14:12-14.
7 July 2019
Series: None Like Him
Speaker: Matt Spocchia
Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. This morning we welcomed Matt Spocchia from Sheppey Gospel Plant as he spoke on God being omniscient; the God of infinite knowledge.
Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.