Welcome to Faversham Community Church!
We are so glad that you found our website and hope that you find it helpful in answering any questions you may have in discovering more about who we are and what we do. If you have any particular questions you would like us to answer, please get in touch.
So, who are we? We are a family who are committed to making much of Jesus together. To be a Christian is to know Jesus personally and this is the good news that we are passionate about and we want everyone to know. We are excited about being a family that are devoted to sharing life together while seeking to make a difference in our town, our local communities and around the world.
Sunday mornings
While we hope that our website answers some of your questions we feel the best way to find out who we are is to come and meet us. We love to welcome new people of all ages when we meet on Sunday mornings and hope that you will be able to visit us soon.
We would be very happy to look out for you on Sunday if you are planning to visit. Fill out this quick form and we will let someone on the welcome team know you’re coming. You can also ask any questions or explain any particular needs you may have.
New to Faversham?
If you are new to the Faversham area and are looking to find out more about this charming town we suggest visiting faversham.org. Here you will find lots of useful and practical information about one of England’s most historic market towns.