- 01795 597538
- info@favershamcommunitychurch.co.uk
At Faversham Community Church we have built our leadership team around the model that we see in the church in the New Testament; Elders and Deacons. We are led by a team of Elders who have the responsibility of leading, teaching and taking care of our church family.
Working closely alongside the Elders we have Deacons, gifted men and women who coordinate and lead various area of church life. As a registered charity we are also served by a team of trustees who work closely with our Elders. Our trustees play a vital role in overseeing our legal responsibilities.
Mike Taylor has been part of Faversham Community Church since 1991 and he loves to see the church having an impact in the town and further afield. Before retiring from full time paid work he was a Physics teacher. Mike is married to Lynne and they have five children and six grandchildren.
Sam is Faversham born and bred and has been an elder since 2014. Sam carries particular responsibility for the preaching and teaching at the Community Church. He is married to Steph and they have two children.
After 7 ½ years away in Coventry, Pete moved back to Faversham in 2013, where he trained as a gardener, met & married Alex his wife, and now has two children. He joined the Eldership team in 2020 and now works part time for the Church. He is passionate to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel.
Faversham Community Church is part of Relational Mission, a growing international family of churches led by a team under Mike Betts. As Relational Mission Churches we have a desire to build excellent relationships while embarking on mission together to see lives transformed by the grace of God all over the world.
A family of more than forty established churches make up Relational Mission, alongside church plants, making it a community of more than 5,000 people across the UK, Europe and Canada.
As a Church we truly value the genuine friendships, support, and training that Relation Mission provides.
It’s good to know we are part of something bigger, to be part of a family.
To find out more about Relational Mission visit: relationalmission.com
Relational Mission is part of Newfrontiers, a group of apostolic leaders, together with their teams and churches, united on global mission and by core values and genuine relationships. Newfrontiers represents a growing global network of more than 850 churches in 60 nations, serving many different cities, towns and villages around the world.
The mission of Newfrontiers is to restore the church, make disciples, train leaders, plant churches, and reach the nations.
Learn more about Newfrontiers: newfrontierstogether.org
As long standing members of Churches Together in Faversham we enjoy partnering with other local churches in our work and witness.
Over recent years many of the Faversham churches have been working together under the umbrella of HOPE Faversham to see the local community transformed by the love of Jesus.
Want to know more about what churches are doing through Hope Faversham? Visit their website