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Speaker: Martyn Gibson

  • 19 May 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Martyn Gibson

    This Sunday we continued our sermon series based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, which explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. We were very pleased to welcome Martyn Gibson from The Vine Church, Maidstone to come and speak this morning on God being self-sufficient.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 21 October 2018

    Speaker: Martyn Gibson

    Our ‘Assured’ series, based in John’s first letter, continues this week. On Sunday we had Martyn Gibson from The Vine, Maidstone with as as he shared on 1 John 5:1-12

  • 2 October 2016

    Series: A Way of Life

    Speaker: Martyn Gibson

    In this series we are exploring what it means to be a part of the Relational Mission family of Churches. What are the key values and qualities that underpin who we are.
    This morning we had Martyn Gibson from The Vine, Maidstone with us as he urged us to ask the questions, ‘Who shall I help?’ and ‘How can I help?’