- 01795 597538
- info@favershamcommunitychurch.co.uk
29 April 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Adam was speaking on chapter 2:17 – 3:13 as we see Paul’s heart and affection for the Thessalonians.
26 February 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. Today our focus was walking with the Spirit everyday
11 December 2016
Series: Sermon on the Mount
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continue with our ongoing series exploring the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). This week is the final week in our current teaching series. Adam is speaking on Matthew 7:24-29, asking us the question ‘What foundation are you building on?’
8 May 2016
Series: Exiles (1 Peter)
Speaker: Adam Gregory
Come and explore the book of 1 Peter with us. A letter written to churches like ours, about a time like ours.
3 January 2016
Series: Standalone
Speaker: Adam Gregory, Neil Wallace, Pete McVey
We begin this new year with a deep desire to walk with the Holy Spirit, to be led and transformed by Him.