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Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)

  • 27 May 2018

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. Today we spent our time together looking at Paul’s words in Chapter 4:13-5:11 as he addresses some of the concerns that the Thessalonians had around the coming of Jesus.

  • 13 May 2018

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Sam continues with the second sermon exploring chapter 4 verses 1-12 as Paul instructs the church to be those that live out their faith in the every day.

  • 6 May 2018

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Sam was speaking on chapter 4 verses 1-12 as Paul instructs the church to be those that live out their faith in the every day.

  • 29 April 2018

    Speaker: Adam Gregory

    This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Adam was speaking on chapter 2:17 – 3:13 as we see Paul’s heart and affection for the Thessalonians.

  • 22 April 2018

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church. This week we are looking at 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 to 16

  • 16 April 2018

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    Through this series we will be exploring Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica. This morning we we looking at chapter 1 verses 4-10 and considering the example the church had in Paul, Silas and Timothy and how in turn they themselves became an example.

  • 8 April 2018

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This morning we kicked off our new series exploring Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica. In this introductory sermon we look at the background and context of this church, some of the themes that run throughout the letter and dive straight into Paul’s greeting.

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Where We Meet

Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538