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Series: Conversations with Jesus

  • 3 December 2017

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.

    In the last sermon of the series we explore the last conversation that Jesus had with His disciples before returning to the Father.

  • 26 November 2017

    Speaker: Luke Morris

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.

    In the penultimate sermon is this series, Luke takes us through a conversation between Jesus and Peter, who only days before had denied even knowing Jesus.

  • 19 November 2017

    Speaker: Paul Johnson

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.

    In Mark 10 Jesus has an encounter with a rich man who asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. This morning we explore Jesus’ answer and the man’s response.

  • 29 October 2017

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.

    What was it about this encounter in Luke 7 that caused Jesus to marvel?
    Mike also spent some time this morning sharing some thoughts coming out of the Jubilee+ Conference.

  • 22 October 2017

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.
    In the latest sermon in this series, Jesus calls Matthew, a tax collector, much to the displeasure of some who were watching on.

  • 15 October 2017

    Speaker: Paul Johnson

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.
    This week Paul walks us through a thirsty Jesus’ encounter with a woman at a well.

  • 5 October 2017

    Speaker: Pete McVey

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.
    This morning Pete takes us through an encounter found in Luke 7:36-50.

  • 1 October 2017

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.
    In John 3 we are introduced to Nicodemus, a man with very impressive credentials, but is that what Jesus is looking for?

  • 24 September 2017

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    Through this series we are looking at conversations and encounters that people had with Jesus in the gospels. In them, we see how Jesus explained Himself and His purposes and also how peoples lives were changed as a result.
    Today we were in John 2 as Jesus is a guest at a wedding. Is turning water into wine a luxury miracle or a sign that points to something far greater?

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Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538