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Series: Changed

  • 20 November 2022

    Series: Changed

    Speaker: Pete McVey

    The gospel is good news and as followers of Jesus we have been anointed to bring good news wherever we go, through word and action. This Sunday, Pete will be bringing our ‘Changed’ series to a close by helping us to consider how we can do good to those in need around us.

  • 13 November 2022

    Series: Changed

    Speaker: Pete McVey

    Throughout our current series we’ve been returning to Micah 6:8 which says:
    He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

    This Sunday, Pete was speaking on the final part of this verse; walking humbly with God.

  • 31 October 2022

    Series: Changed

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This morning, we heard Jesus’ words recorded in Luke 6:31-36 and considered what they tell us about God’s call for us to be a people who love mercy.

  • 23 October 2022

    Series: Changed

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    As our communities face the impact of the cost of living crisis, we believe this is a pivotal moment for us to prepare ourselves to support people in our churches and our town.

    In week two of our series, Sam spoke on Matthew 6: 5-34 as we listened to Jesus words about the providence of God.

  • 16 October 2022

    Series: Changed

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    As our communities face the impact of the cost of living crisis, we believe this is a pivotal moment for us to prepare ourselves to support people in our churches and our town. God’s people have always been called to be a people of kindness and mercy and over the next six weeks we’re expectant that we will grow in this calling, as we search the scriptures and pray together.

    In week 1, we begin with Micah 6:8 and consider what it means to be people who do justice.

    The song that Sam played can be found here:

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Where We Meet

Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538