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Discover Christmas Gallery

In December we hosted our first “Discover Christmas” afternoon at The Assembly Rooms.

So much time and creativity went into making this happen and we want to say a huge thank you to the team for all their hard work. We saw a good number of our community come along and enjoy all there was to offer.

Each table had a different activity and walked through the Christmas story, showing us how Jesus is still our joy, peace, love light and hope.

We also had a prayer corner where people could come and ask for prayer and write prayers to hang on our trees. We have some of these prayers in the office if you would like to pray for any of the requests.

The choir were wonderful and definitely filled the room with joy.

We are looking forward to next year! If you would like to be involved then please let the office know!

A Message of Thanks

The book on the left is a book our daughter received from little angels 7 years ago. We still very much love and enjoy it. The book on the right it's the one we received from Faversham Community Church on Saturday.... What a beautiful continuity of good will, good people and celebration of Christmas and what it represents.

Merry Christmas

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Where We Meet

Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538